Tuesday 12 November 2013

Your Job is YOU!!

Hey all, whats up!

Today I was just thinking about why does it happen that really talented people don’t get what they desire and which they actually deserve! My mind kept bugging me to find it out that why does it happen that people who want something from the core of their heart and they still don’t get it! Why??

Then I sat down and scrutinized my favorite subject’s life, my own life. (As I am the only person about whom I know everything).

I realized that there are things which I wanted with all my heart, for which I wanted to opt for since forever! I wanted to opt for Mechanical Engineering, I ended up with IT; I wished to wear the best clothes around but I ended up dressing like a girl from the 90's and a million such instances!

The question stays the same, WHY?

What I could realize, what I could mine out of my knowledge is that, I did not get what I desired because my actions contradicted my desire! I was too hesitant to take a chance, too reluctant to make a choice, too doubtful to follow my instincts… And that is the story with everyone, YES, with everyone!

Deep inside us, we all know that if we don’t have something, either we simply did not try for it or when we did we pulled back only too soon! We did not take the risk, the fear of failure overcame the vigor of our desire! We may make as many excuses as we may desire, but the truth is singular, our versions of truth are only our customization of truth to make it suit us. But its not going to keep us happy in the long run!

So HOW do we get what we want or need or desire?
Well, what I feel we should do is to follow our dreams, to follow what enchants us, what doesn't just asks for our attention but simply holds it without much effort!
The key is, “Be bold, take the big step, move towards what you desire, act as if you are receiving it!”
Yes, I mean it, act as if you already have it! I simply mean that try to be happy as you would have been in presence of that thing, content as you would have been if you had that particular good or person or whatever!

I have many friends who are working in a sector which doesn't interest them and what they use as an excuse to never get rid of their toil is “What else to do, now we cant switch”, Oh my my, yes you can.

What has gone, has gone, What is still to happen is what we can handle! That is the only thing that we may have some control over, our future!

Lets do what we want, lets pursue what we need, lets be bold, lets take the risk!! Because, you are the only person who knows what you want. Follow strictly what you need! Do not let anything distract you. Once you begin your journey, you’ll make it through simply by doing the next right thing, every time!

Because, its your job to keep yourself happy, to let you reach success. Somebody else’s sacrifices for you will only make you weaker.

Go, strap up, get going… NOW!

Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen!